Wednesday 11 January 2012

A New Beginning - Including Pics!

Well, it's been a long time coming since I have posted on here and I have taken down all of my previous posts and shall be starting from scratch with this being the new year and all I suppose you could call it a new beginning. And being away for so long, a lot has changed! Now those changes include some very crucial and some not so very crucial.

Through the past year or so there have been so many ups and downs, there are too many I care to mention which I probably just mention some of the good things that happened last year as there are less good than bad so I won't start on a depressing note or this year. Last year I completed my year at college studying GCSE's gaining extra qualifications that I was too stu.......unlucky to not gain in school as well as developing a new hobby, that hobby being photography and writing of all things! And within a year of having my skills as an amateur photographer, I have successfully managed to get two articles published in two of the top trucking magazines within the UK.

The first article being featured in the Classic Commercial and Vintage Vehicles magazine (October 2011 issue) which was titled 'Enthusiasm Rewarded' which featured some of the pictures that I got in a photo shoot for my final project that I completed at college for my exam so it was an excellent time for me to celebrate my work from my GCSE times. My second article, a little bit frustrating to say the least but that was probably down to me being a stubborn little pratt throwing his teddies out of the pram because I thought I knew best! The article posted in the very best trucking magazine in Britain, Truck and Driver (January 2012 issue) which was titled 'A Day out with Dad' which included some of the pictures I had on a day out with my dad in the lorry and a bit of a write up about the day which I thought originally was cut down way too short before I even saw the full article but I was soon put right with the backing of the trucking forums and fellow photographers/journalists!

So that was that, and you are probably wondering now 'Well what did you get in your GCSE's, seeing as you're banging on about them!' Well my results are as followed,

English - C
Psychology - C
ICT - Distinction (A)
Photography - A

Not bad considering I only started college with 2 GCSE's which included Maths and Business which maybe a bit of a shock to those who would have originally thought I was a little thick. I have other GCSE's but they are the only ones above C grade which count most although most never consider the experience you got while learning the subjects just the grades you gained (My first mock Geography exam I got a B in the real thing I got an E......Explains a lot if you ask me)

I left college, in December after starting A-levels for many reasons with the many reasons including such as my ex girlfriend (Stupid reason I know, but necessary.), the work load being way too much for me to cope with and I have no shame in admitting I couldn't cope with it. The last reason being me not having any money and probably one of the reasons why I have been so down as of late, not being able to afford things which can probably bring anyone down if you have long enough to think about it. Now I didn't leave college just like that, I made sure that I had something to go too although by the first day of working I was already having doubts considering that I was messed about from day one but I won't go into that on here for personal reasons, I'll leave it at that.

Needless to say, it is the new year and well I am no longer at said employers and I am currently unemployed, *Awaits the comments of 'Get a job you prick!'* Well I have got a job, and you are going to be wondering what that job is. Well the job I left college to do was to more or less pack sweets ready for the Easter holidays for the kids which probably sounds like one of the easiest jobs in the world and I could say it is and it isn't. It's easy if you can stand listening to the same music over and over again on the radio, and don't mind hurting your back to make sure that one last pallet has been stacked then that's fine. And depending which end of the warehouse you are, the difficulty of jobs differ and the job was pretty easy but just plain boring!

My new job, is more or less doing something similar although my new job I won't lie when I found out I got it I was thrilled. The job entails picking and packing clothes that have been returned to the warehouse and placing them in the right place ready to be used however and it certainly opened my eyes just how many clothes that gets wasted in this country! But finding out all the clothes that are not of use for the company anymore, they get sent away for charity which I think of a company like the one I work for is pretty amazing. The new job's benefits include company uniform, safety equipment and excellent pay considering it's just an apprenticeship that I am doing (Which for those who are unaware, it's a learn while you earn kind of thing. Getting qualified in something while you earn some money!) plus it's extra experience in my pocket even if I don't get a full time job at the end of it although there is a high possibility of doing so.

Now with this all being said, the thing that is most important to me. The trucking industry, and how long it is going to be until I get behind the wheel of a truck? Well that will all depend on circumstances but with me finally gaining employment with a very good company, I will be saving money to go towards my driving lessons and my tests to gain my full car license. Now most people usually go for the 1 - 2 lessons every week for a few months and bare with it until they can get their tests. Me being me, I don't go about things the oh so normal way of doing things. Instead I will be going through a week intensive driving course (Ensuring I pass my theory test first!) with a driving test at the end of it simply because I want to get behind the wheel of a truck as soon as possible. It's that simple. Although many will wish against it, people learn at different paces. I am not one to learn in parts, you either teach me everything at once or it will be lost in bits in the future (which was found out when doing accountancy at A-level!)

But as for right now, it is wayyy past my bed time and I need to be up in the morning to go into town and sort some very important stuff out! So in the mean time, keep reading, Keep on trucking and I have posted my Flickr Photostream in this post so you can take a look at some of my hard work! (The rest of the photos will be up when I can afford my Flickr Pro membership!) In the mean time stay safe folks!

Prestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 1Prestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 2Prestons Of Potto Scania R500 V8 Edit 1Prestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 3Prestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 4Prestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 5
Prestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 6Prestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 7Allied Glass Mercedes Axor Rental Unit & C T Transport Scania R420 Highline Edit 1C T Transport Scania R420 Highline Edit 1Coyles & Sons Foden Alpha EditPrestons Of Potto Scania R480 Edit 8
Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 5 Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 6Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 7Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 8Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 9Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 1
Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 2Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 3Coles & Sons Scania T Cab Edit 4Coles & Sons Scania T Cab - Coca Cola WrapColes & Sons Scania T Cab - Coca Cola WrapColes & Sons Scania T Cab - Coca Cola Wrap

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