Tuesday 6 March 2012

A month gone by and what's happened....Or what nearly happened!

Well it's a month since the last time I made an update on this blog, and probably a long time in the making but getting back into the swing of things with work and getting used to the hours it takes some doing that's for sure! And writing a blog also about all of what I am doing isn't easy especially when you are tired nearly all the time when you're working 12 hour shifts 4 days a week (Thank god for 4 days off!)

As you can probably tell I was put onto the 4 on 4 off shift not the Monday to Friday routine, so my days are longer but my time off is longer also (That helps!) So what has gone off in the month I have been working at Clipper? Well quite a lot to say I've only been there a month, now to get the negatives well out the way before I start on the positives. The only negative I have to say is with Human Resources giving misleading information on clocking in and out of work or in my case clocking out which nearly cost me my job but instead cost me part of my wages and a little confidence too for that matter!

Now in my opinion, I think it's unfair to take money that I have earned simply because human resources gave me information that was VERY misleading and if anybody took the information on board like I did, it's not going to be surprising as to why people may have lost their jobs due to this. In this case, I was told on the induction that you clock in on a morning 15 minutes before your shift so in my case today I clocked in between 6:45 - 6:59 meaning that I am clocked on for 7am. Now I was also told on induction, do NOT clock off at (in this case it would be) 7pm, because you will be paid up to 7:15pm so in my opinion I thought I clock in at 6:52 I clock out at 6:52 (Because that is 12 hours the last time I checked....) so if I was given misleading information and was only following what I thought was the rules why am I being punished? Surely it's HR that need a kick up the arse to be more informative or someone that actually uses the clocking machines to give instruction on how they SHOULD be used, not how they THINK it should be used. Also the manner in which I was spoken too (and the accusations!) could have been put across better especially as all I've done is speak to everyone in a kind and positive manner (Not something that happens often!) Then again, what would I know being a simple warehouse jockey and all?

So that's the little rant out of the way, the simple questions. Are you enjoying it still? How's it going? What have you been upto!? Well to answer the first question am I enjoying it, the answer would be a straight up yes although it does and will get boring like any job (After all I am doing a job, not my dream job! So I am having to work some...) but for what it is I love it! The company apart from the above cock up on both mine and the companies part are an absolute diamond and even comparing where I work to where my Dad works is a completely different world all together! The staff on the most part whether it be the line managers or the other operatives are the friendliest bunch I've come across, then again if you do the work and don't moan about it they're not likely to complain although I have had one person say I don't talk enough but in my opinion I go to work...to work and talk if I can when I'm working, if not i'm left to think and do my work (Best part about my job! Thinking and working, 2 birds and one stone and all that!)

Minus the above incident, I can't fault anything. If there is a problem whether it be me not doing something properly (Which has happened a couple times....asking for help instead of looking like a bell end doing something wrong works in this case!) or whether it be me looking confused when someone has asked me to do something there is always someone on hand to help, not have ago and say 'You're fucking shit fuck off home' everyone always has the time to stop and help you out if your stuck with a warm friendly attitude which with my past works wonders and in fact has helped grow my confidence a lot! No longer in debt with the bank, I'm losing weight (Slowly but surely!) and the work although not difficult is challenging! To say things have gone smoothly, would be the biggest pack of lies next to the four pound note in the monopoly wallet ready to be spent at Tesco! I wouldn't have said I'm bad at my job but I'm definitely not the worst!

The work I've done is varied and have done a variety of things within the first month of working at Clipper and to be honest I've done more in one day here than I ever did at my previous job! And the experience I'm gaining from it even though probably not all of it is going to help me later in life, it's gaining me life experience also and gives me the satisfaction and the memories of something great to enter my life and for once sticking too it not giving up after the first wall has been put up in front of me! So to let you in on what I've been doing I will tell you what I've been doing this week to give you an insight in my usual day to day routine of things.

Most of my days are usually spent picking products for all of you Tesco customers who order clothes online, and picking to those who are unaware. All it is is basic, here's a list of things on this floor to collect for such and such tote (Box to you and me in simple language!) and send it upstairs if you need to (Or downstairs if you're on top floor) and it will be then sent for packing and putting into boxes to be sent to wherever! And usually this is my day all day with the exception of doing a little pallet work, breaking down boxes and putting them onto the bay for the cardboard trailer. Although this can be very rewarding especially last week after being told off punching a few boxes eased a little tension I had with anybody and it's cool to see how fast you can clean up the floor of cardboard and the fun of loading the trailer afterwards!

I have also had the pleasure in doing put aways, and it's simply what it says. I get products that whether have been returned or been sent in from the supplier (this is me assuming here on that one! Don't hold me too it!) and you take a list of supposedly empty spaces and find one for that cardboard box or tote to go into and it will be ready for the pickers to pick! Now this job I do like as you can take your time, but you get a lot of work done when you just knuckle down and get on with it like I do and you get to think too when your in your own little world working away amazing how time just flies by when your just thinking and working!

I've also done a little sorting of the packages to be bagged up and sent away although it confuses me sometimes (also having the fear of cocking up doesn't help) but it keeps you on your toes and alert also it makes you move quick too so seeing a big guy move around like he has a match burning against his arse must be of amusement to some! But the job is satisfying and being able to have a mix of all round work is cool as you aren't doing the same thing and being trained up an everything means you aren't just tied to one job, you're able to do a bit of everything so in this case a bit like a jack of all trades but hoping to be master of one if you get me!

To say how the job is going, I could only tell you I'm working my hardest and in my opinion apart from that major cock up the job is great. To sum it up, the people I work for I couldn't ask for a nicer and straight talking bunch, the company has gave me a smart uniform and in a sense you could say it's a bit like a 'family' environment and a nice one to be around at that. So long as you aren't afraid of working hard and don't moan about the little things you'll do fine. Would I recommend the job to anyone? Definitely, just be sure you know what you're getting into first as if you think it's going to be easy you can think again! But if you don't mind a challenge and getting your hand into anything and learning some new skills and keeping your mind busy and thinking fresh well it's definitely a job for you. The benefits aren't bad either! But I'll save that for when I'm less tired and can think easily without wanting to fall asleep.

To end this, I would just like to say thanks to those whom have supported me especially my family and friends, One friend in particular giving me the extra willpower when I lacked it (Thank you Amy!) And stay tuned, you never know this time next year I could be a truck driver! Jesus, I'm sounding like Del Boy just asking for a tad less from life!

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